Michelle Mara    ID: 1534069

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Age:  33
Birth Date:  28/05/1991
Horoscope Sign:  Gemini
Height:  176
Weight:  52
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Doctor
Education:  Doctor Degree
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Not Set
Other languages:
Residence:  Vigan, Philippines
Date the member of your dreams: attractive Asian member Michelle Mara from Vigan
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
when i was a baby my mother ran off and left me when i was only 8 months old. my father treated me like a slave and took everything away from me and gave it to his other kids. i ran away from home when i was 15 year's old and i have been by myself all my life. I have been in many bad wrecks, had a tree fall on me left me in a body cast for months all busted up, been stabbed, been shot, been struck by lightening, had enough high falls to kill off a football team.. Yet I am still here and don't have a damn thing wrong with me.. I am either tough, lucky, or to dumb to die, the jury is still out on that one.. haha SEROIUSLY we all have a purpose in life, what ever my reason for living I will find it in you, you are my reason for living, that I am convinced.
I have learned relationships with people and doing what one really enjoys in life are more important than maximizing income. I do not like poverty. But once a certain standard of living is achieved, increasing wealth does not necessarily increase happiness. So I now work part-time as a very experienced doctor and plus doing some medical investments. I love to travel, whether it is a road trip by auto for a day or an extended vacation. My favorite places to visit have been the western continental United States, Hawaii, southern Mexico, Ukraine and Thailand. I have also visited other countries in North America, the Pacific, Europe and Asia. During 2019 I visited Ukraine and Serbia for three weeks.
Her Type of Man:
I know exactly what my man likes..I can please you in many ways. Now I truly want to settle down. Find my love and live together. I do not mind to visit your country or live in your country as am being so ready to do that when i join this dating site. I was going through some old pictures today, they were all the siblings of the family. I got very sad, everyone in them either married , have kids and some have found their lover, I was the only single girl, a leftover.
Most gorgeous profiles: Philippines member Michelle Mara

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